Model Railroad Days
Join us as we highlight our model train layout here at the Southeastern Railway Museum. Classic trains on display, model layouts, cab and park train rids, model railroad surplus sales, and our souvenir shop.
Join us as we highlight our model train layout here at the Southeastern Railway Museum. Classic trains on display, model layouts, cab and park train rids, model railroad surplus sales, and our souvenir shop.
Join us as we highlight our model train layout here at the Southeastern Railway Museum. Classic trains on display, model layouts, cab and park train rids, model railroad surplus sales, and our souvenir shop.
Includes classic model trains on display, model railroad layouts, clinics, model railroad surplus sale, train rides, museum gift shop all included with regular admission. Tickets can be purchased in advance HERE.
Model Trains On the 2nd Thursday of each month, join us with your 2- to 4-year-old child for our morning pre-school program at the Southeastern Railway Museum. This is an interactive educational program that allows […]
The Atlanta Council of Boy Scouts of America together with the Model Railroaders of Atlanta will hold a BSA Railroading Merit Badge Class at the Southeastern Railway Museum in Duluth on Saturday, September 12th. […]
We are very close to unveiling what promises to be our signature viewing experience. […]
The model railroad continues to grow in subtle ways. […]
by David Koch The HO Model Railroad revitalization project is now 10 months old. The dusty “diamond in the rough” layout is now a showcase and formidable addition to the the overall Southeastern Railway Museum […]
The HO model railroad crew is only a few square feet away from scenery covering every spot on the layout. This will mark a milestone and complete the “scenery” phase of the project. […]
The model railroad design crew at the Southeastern Railway Museum has been very busy working on updating and completing scenery. […]
(c) 2019-2024 Southeastern Railway Museum.