Volunteers Back at Work on SRM Model Train Layout

By David Koch, North Georgia Modurail

Southeastern Railway Museum volunteers and members of the North Georgia Modurail model railroad club are back at work on the HO model train layout. The Georgia & Tennessee Railroad was donated to SRM and the decision was made to replace to original museum layout that was showing some age and in constant need of repair. The initial teams tore down the old layout, reassembled and redesigned the new layout, and worked tirelessly for months building a layout that represents railroading in Southeast during the steam-to-diesel era of the 1950s.

After a pause in construction, a new team, consisting of original and new members, is now focused on completing a model railroad available for public display and operation.

The past few weeks have been dedicated to making the layout operational. A state-of-the-art control system was installed to allow safe operation by the public with a simple press of a button. Track work is being tested and repaired with a focus on maintenance-free operation. Engines and rolling stock have been inventoried, tested, and are being repaired to make them ready for operation on the new layout.

Over the next several weeks the team will work to complete the beautifully detailed artistic scenery started by the original team.  The team is looking for donations to build a viewing area where the public can operate trains and experience railroading as it was in its heyday. The goal is to open the layout to the public as soon as possible.

Keep up with North Georgia Modurail online at www.northgeorgiamodurail.org.

1 Comment

  1. My husband and I are downsizing (aged 62) and wondered if your museum would be interested in having us donate the remnants of our family train collection to your museum. This collection began with my parents who started it for myself and my siblings, then continued when I collected additional pieces for my 3 sons. Unfortunately, none of my sons showed much interest in the collection when younger and now that they are grown and out of the house, they are not eager to keep the collection for themselves in the future. We wondered if your museum could put the pieces to good use, bringing much joy to future generations of children and all train enthusiasts.

    After many years of beloved use, what remains of our original train and village collection contains the following pieces:

    1 Flying Scott train with tracks + several other spare cars from a different set
    1 “Village Set” of 20 pieces to include:
    1 train station
    1 toy store
    1 hotel
    1 restaurant
    1 gazebo
    several street gas lamp posts & villagers
    several service vehicles/cars/trucks
    1 Dickensvale village set all with individually purchased pieces to include:
    3 churches
    1 gazebo
    3 houses
    1 school
    1 post office
    1 grocery store
    1 counting house
    1 blacksmith
    1 covered bridge
    1 apple seller stand
    1 well
    1 red telephone booth
    several villager ice skaters, etc.
    some yard gates & fence pieces
    2 mini tudor style houses

    Please let me know if you might be interested in having any or all of these pieces for your collection. If so, please advise the best way for us to get them to you and the time frame which would best accommodate both your staff schedule and our availability.

    Much love & God bless,


    Director: The Evangelists, A Variety Show For Seniors By Seniors
    Director: Manor Care Nursing & Rehab Weekly Praise & Worship Service
    Director: Living Stations of the Cross
    Catholic Church of St. Ann

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