Executive Director Updates July 2019
Welcome to July at the Museum! I hope the first half of your year has gone well; it has at the museum. As we’re wrapping up June, I hope that you and your family enjoyed […]
Welcome to July at the Museum! I hope the first half of your year has gone well; it has at the museum. As we’re wrapping up June, I hope that you and your family enjoyed […]
March’s Volunteer Spotlight focuses a beam on Ken Birmingham! Ken was born on Long Island, New York and lived there for over 50 years until he moved to Norcross, GA in 1995. Ken’s educational background […]
by David Koch The HO Model Railroad revitalization project is now 10 months old. The dusty “diamond in the rough” layout is now a showcase and formidable addition to the the overall Southeastern Railway Museum […]
Welcome to March… With a really pleasant February, we have had a lot of exciting growth at the museum and I appreciate each of your support. During the month we were very pleased to welcome […]
Welcome to the Executive Director’s February 2019 updates. We had a good month in January with a good many days of pleasant weather. This has allowed staff & volunteers time to recover/cleanup from our successful […]
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has had a great holiday season and is looking forward to an exciting 2019. The museum had a very successful holiday season thanks to your support, our volunteers, community […]
SALE ALERT: Black Friday deals are here! Save 20% on Santa tickets through Cyber Monday with a coupon code. […]
Welcome to the executive director’s updates for November 2018. We’ve had a really good October and the staff and I appreciate all you have done for us this month. We celebrated the 20th anniversary of […]
From The Executive Director Randy Pirkle Welcome to the Executive Director’s blog post for September, 2018. We’re changing format of our Crossings newsletter somewhat to broaden our audience and also to streamline its management. August has flown […]
Rising from the Rails, a black history month exhibition was a huge success! The exhibition that featured artists from Chicago, Virginia, and the metro Atlanta area closed on February the 28th. The Southeastern Railway Museum […]
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