4th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Sue, SRM Volunteer Coordinator

Faster than a speeding bullet (train), more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap Building 1 in a single bound. Look, it’s an SRM Volunteer!

On Saturday, we celebrated the superhero volunteers of the Southeastern Railway Museum at our 4th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Dreamland Bar-B-Que in Duluth provided a delicious meal fit for superheroes and our volunteers provided the rest: fun and fellowship.

Randy Pirkle, Administrator — brought us up to date on everything we accomplished in 2016. Andrew Durden, Operations Manager – filled everyone in on our volunteer’s superhero efforts in the operations area. Sue Kelly, Assistant Administrator – highlighted all the superpowers our volunteers used to make 2016 a record breaking year.

We distributed the President’s Volunteer Service Awards (this includes a pin and a letter from the President) which recognizes and thanks our volunteers for the many hours they devoted to making SRM and our community a better place.

A huge Thank You goes out to all our volunteers!

Interested in being the next volunteer superhero?
Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Sue at volunteer@train-museum.com

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